

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Entry#17 Yes

This past few days, i usually encounter issues about cheating in a relationship. I see stories from my facebook wall and I hear them from friends. It makes me curious as to why people cheat in a relationship? What is their sole reason? Why?

The best example of Love for me was demonstrated many years ago on the cross, where Jesus Christ was crucified for us, who were undeserving. It was an unconditional Love, regardless of what we've done or who we were, we were still saved by Jesus.

So, going back, Love should be unconditional. For me, when you Love someone, you should love everything about that person, the good and the bad. And for me Love should not just be an emotion, it is an important  decision you make. When you say Yes to a person, it should be yes to all circumstances, not just on the good days.

Relationships should include God. Because in the first place, You prayed for that someone who you are with. You prayed for that person to notice you, you cried to God when you felt like you had no chance at all, you begged God to give that person to you. That's why I will never understand why people cheat. Why do they choose to give up the relationship that they prayed for? The relationship where they've invested their love, time, effort, and material things. The relationship that they've fought for from the start.

Some say that they cheat because the Love was gone. Love alone will never be enough to sustain a relationship. That is why Relationship is a commitment. When you commit into something, you give your 100%, you don't give up on it, you will do everything and anything to keep that commitment. Just because Love was gone and just because the bed of roses you thought has its thorns, it does not mean that you could just stop and leave.  I hope everyone could realize that when you said Yes to someone, in front of God, it is a lifelong commitment to God and to that person. You can't just stop and leave when it gets hard.

So, let us keep this is mind.
Before you say Yes to someone, make sure you've prayed for it and God gave you the confirmation. Before you say Yes, make sure that you are ready to all the responsibilities that goes with it. Before you say Yes, make sure that your Yes is for a lifetime and not just for the meantime. Your yes should be a yes to good times to hard times; to victories, to failures; to highs, to lows; and to all the circumstances that you will encounter together.

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