

Friday, May 12, 2017

An Open Letter for Parents

Writing this open letter not to shame anyone, not to let others make fun of it but because i need to take it out somewhere.

Dear Parents.
   Thank You for bringing us out in this world. Thank you, knowing that we were conceive out of love. Thank you for giving us every thing we need even if it means you have to sacrifice a lot.

   We understand sometimes you have a lot goin' on, in your work, in your life, in your marriage, in our family. Sorry that we can't do anything about it. Sorry that we still add to your burdens. Sorry that a lot of times we never pay attention when you have problems, it's like we don't care, but we do and we believe that doing nothing is best than doing something and it may turn out wrong. We try to avoid involving ourselves with things we know we can't control or we can't put solutions to. Sorry.

  This open letter is written to give awareness to every parents out there. We your children are not blind, we are not deaf and definitely we understand everything that there is.

  I was born in a family, where God is the center. While growing up, I never once saw my parents quarrel, until today.

Questioning myself, Am i too sensitive? And came up with an answer, No I'm not. I'm just not used to seeing them scream at each other, throw things and etc. I understand every person have their own battles in life, it may cause a person to be moody all the time. Can't help thinking, is this family still the family i grew up with?

  To all the parents out there I want you to know that it hurts us, to see our parents scream at each other. It is not a good example. I know there are no perfect parents out there but i hope you realize that there are children like me, who can't help but cry when i hear my parents shout everyday, who can't help feeling like my heart is being squeeze out. There are children out there like me, who look up to you, who consider you their role models. I hope you realize that shouting at each other will not resolve anything, yes it helps you release the anger but it adds up to your problems.

  One person dies every 40 seconds due to suicide. One of the major cause of it is problem in the family. We your children, we're not sensitive, but yes we are emotionally unstable, anyone who doesn't feel the love in their home, will not think twice to end his/her life. I hope you dear parents can realized how important you are to us. How important your relationship with each other to us. We know you're not perfect, we're not asking for you to be. But I hope you learn to solve things without shouting, screaming and throwing things.

Thank you.
And know that we love you.



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