

Thursday, December 31, 2020

Entry# 30 Hey 2020, Adios!

It's been 7 years with this blog. And my 30th entry is a farewell to this year, 2020. 

I can summarize my 2020 in one word, 


This year, I've experienced love, setback after another setback, genuine happiness, contentment and more.  

This year, was a memorable year for me, I get to experience how it is to be in a relationship, how to live relying solely on God, no work for 10 months, being inside our home with my family, 24/7 for 3 months. 

 Year 2020, has been a tough year. It was like I was just starting to get the hang of the "adult life" that they were talking about and then suddenly, it was put to a pause. A long pause. This has been the longest year for me. I felt so low, depressed, i felt anxious. I felt like life was trying to pull me backwards. I can't understand the reason why everything has to happen, but what I am sure of is that, I should always trust the One who holds my life together, that even for me it felt like my life was falling apart, the truth is He is re-arranging it. 

I want to thank this year 2020, because of the pandemic, quarantine, and lockdowns I've learn to value even the smallest things around me. I get to enjoy even the shortest joyrides with my love ones. I get to be content with eating inside cars, with drive thru food or house cooked foods. I get to laugh over simple jokes. I realized that malls, amusement parks, leisure activities are not an essential to enjoy our daily lives, additional maybe, but not a must. 

Above all, I want to thank God. Thank You Lord, I may not understand why we are experiencing this, what's your plan, but I trust in You Lord. I know that you hold my life together. You know what's best for me, and I have faith that whatever may come my way, You got me, always, In all ways. Thank You Lord, I am forever blessed indeed. 🙏🙏

This year has been tough, but it made me strong, it made me appreciate all my love ones, friends and all the people who were there to support me for the past months. I may not be financially overwhelmed, but I am filled with love and  blessings and that's more than enough.😇💯 

I believe and I have faith that this coming 2021, the Lord will launch us into another level. The Lord will restore everything that was lost, He will bless us in all areas of our lives more than we could ever imagine. 💯🙏 

Finish this year strong! And Bravely face the coming year, 2021 😇🙏❤

Keep Going, Keep Believing, You'll make it!!💯😇

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Entry #29

 Sometimes, I can't help but wonder if the people around me will have an easier life if I don't exist.