

Friday, April 25, 2014

Unplanned Trips turns out to be the Best Ones ^^,



Actually, this roadtrip is seriously a extemporaneous idea only. This was decided because, while we were about to sleep, we keep pestering my Dad, saying "why don't we go on a vacation or something, so this holy week won't be boring and all", so to cut the story short we won and got the vacation we've wanted. 

Rise and Shine, at exactly 4:30am we were already on the road, travelling our way to our first destination. :) and this photo was taken while we were on the expressway. a breath taking view indeed, to see the sun shine, it is like watching new chances, new challenges rising today in your life. 

To our next stop Batangas, well, it is indeed a beautiful place, here I saw really awesome cute houses for workers. Nothing Special we just visited it to see the place:) 

On Our way to Tagaytay we saw this Castle, It's beautiful indeed, and I know someday I will have my own Prince and we will build our own castle together.

Then we went to, Tagaytay, of course it's already Lunch Time we really need to eat. Our stomachs are already growling because of hunger. We tried their famous beefs menus. And As I must day their food is really great. SO This picture was taken while we were waiting for the food. And I was amazed that even though we are against the light we can come up with still a beautiful photography. This is seriously and truthfully with no filter.  "A family that eats and pray together, stays together forever" .. 

So after we eat. We decided to go home and take the Sta. Rosa Exit but due to circumstances we we're not able to exit there, so we took the road passing the baranggay casile, we really don't know the road well, and it is creepy because there were few passer by's and few cars. Then it is a rough Road, literally a "road na pababa ng bundok". the curves we're very sharp and my heart is like stop beating everytime we pass those sharp curves. Then we were laughing and saying this is really the best roadtrip, it includes thrilling adventures. Then suddenly before we reach the expressway we were able to see another Marcos Mansion, which I did not even know exist. It was really a beautiful home.

This is the Marcos Mansion :) I am really Grateful I saw it..

then we finally reach the expressway and everything was history :)

In Life It is the same, It is an endless roadtrip. It has its own rough roads but that what makes life more thrilling, Those unknown adventures that we don't see coming are what makes life an exciting one. 

"Life without Problems is a lifeless boring life, so when you have problems consider them your adventures which makes life more thrilling and which makes your victories the sweetest,"

Sunday, April 20, 2014

My Role Models in Life ^^,

EXODUS 20:12
"Honor your father and your mother, so that 

you may live long in the land the LORD your

 God is giving you.

They were your FIRST TEACHER.
They are our biological parents. 
They are our first known SUPER HEROES.
They were your IDOLS, before those known bands, singers and artists.

They are the person we first called, the moment we are given the chance to speak. They were known to become the first words we can utter, the "MaMa" and "DaDa". They were the first faces we saw the moment we are able to use our sense of sight. They were the first voices we have recognize through our sense of hearing, the one to sing you those endless lullabies until you sleep. They were the ones who endured those sleepless nights just to give us milk, attend to our needs and simply to watch us fall asleep first. 

Our Parents have sacrificed a lot just to raise us and give us the life we deserve to have. 

Looking back Let us see what are those sacrifices.


She carried you nine months, endured those back pains, heavy feeling, morning sickness and drinking of loads of vitamins just to make sure you go out into this world as a healthy, wonderful and awesome child. But then her role doesn't end there, the moment we are born into this world, she will feed you, be an all nighter just to make sure you are well taken care of, to make sure our needs are given, regardless of that she still loves you. our Mom, became our first teacher, taught us how to live life. She will sacrificed anything just to give you what you want. Still, seriously, who would object to the statement that, until now our mothers sill checks if you have eaten, did your assignments, took a bath, bring umbrella and other random sweet stuffs. She still managed to look after us even if you are old enough to be taken care off..


He is our SUPERMAN. HE is the one who thought you to be brave. He who works endlessly just to provide you with the things you need. He is your knight in shinning armor, your fighter who will fight for you and with you any battle you have ahead. He is the one who made your milk when Mom is doing something, the one who sing lullabies for you and sway you in his arms until you sleep. He is your first Love. Our First Mentor. He sacrificed his times to be with you just to work and provide us financially. He surely is the one who is even though tired, will still managed to smile at you and play with you. Our father is the first one who taught us to follow rules in order to be a good person. He simply is the person who became your IDOL and ROLE MODEL in life.

Let me be Honest here, I sometimes feel "tampo" to my parents but regardless of that I am Blessed and never thought of replacing them. I sometimes think they love me less but that doesn't mean i love them less also. I love them and i also understand that sometimes, they are tired to compliment my works, that sometimes they run out of words to say they are proud of me. Regardless of certain situations I never get mad at them, tampo Yes but not to feel anger against them. 

I, Myself, also realized how big their sacrifices for me, their sacrifices just to provide the things i need. I am blessed to have a parents like them, the God-Fearing parents, ever so mabait, kalog and cool parents. What I am today is BECAUSE OF THEM. They are the parents who have a lot of patience, when you can't they understand you can't but they won't give up they will pressure until you see that you can see that you are capable and it is for your own good. at this times i really fell pressured but I know it is for my own good. 

This blog I want to say to them THANK YOU MOM AND DAD. I am really blessed to have you, I am greatful to have you. I am indeed thankful for the Love, Care and material things you have provided me. I know sometimes I am pasaway but you know I love you. I will make you proud just bare with me a little more. I LOVE YOU..

Maybe others would ask, what is the point of me writing this? The reason is simply because I want to make everyone realized how our parents sacrificed half of their lives providing for us and a simple I Love You is somehow enough to give back, a Thank You is not hard to give. And most of all taking care of them when they are old and can't provide for themselves is not hard to do so.

You are what you are because of them. I want for us to realize that when they are old and can't provide for themselves, it won't hurt our pockets to give back to them.

I really feel sad for those children who let their parents work for others even if they are old, who put their parents to the home for the aged instead of taking care of them. will it hurt you to take care of them? to Love them the way they did with you. I may not be in their shoes but i really can't understand their reasons and rationales why they are doing that.

LOve Your Parents. It won't make you less of yourself if you would give back what they have given you. :>